Our board members come from various faith journeys, agreeing to Jesus’ mandate to “Love Thy Neighbor.”
Jennifer is the founder of Rescue Party Give, but she prefers her title of Executive Director of Freedom. A former manager of corporate meetings and travel for a large Japanese automotive manufacturer, in 2011 she began volunteer work for the International Justice Mission and has spent the ensuing years helping to bring awareness of human trafficking. Jennifer has created events such as movie screenings, live art demonstrations, fashion shows, photography exhibits, and music events to combat this dire global problem. Her goal is to raise awareness to support actions that help end modern-day slavery.
D’Scribe of Dallas - Scripture Everywhere Calligrapher, proofer/editor, former office manager, ForgivingForward coach and Social Media Director for Veterans’ Impact Show with years of celebrating recovery who is passionate about loving, inspiring, and calling everyone to freedom in Jesus.
I am a full-time missionary to the world, and it has been the most rewarding work I have ever done. I have traveled to India and Rwanda to encourage and build up the Body of Christ in these countries. I travel with teams and share the Word of God with Christians wherever God opens up the doors to share. We have seen God manifest His grace in front of our eyes and changing people’s lives! I have extensive experience in leading people and managing tasks from small individual tasks to running a large office organization environment. Educated through Dominion Bible Institute, Masters of Professional Accountancy, Bachelor’s of Business Administration, Certified Public Accountant, and recipient of Joint Civilian Commendation, Global War on Terror, and NATO Medals in 2018.
WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087995387488
EMAIL: FRMM2021@yahoo.com
Angela Cox is a clinical problem solver with the unique skillset of social worker, nurse, and administrator who has spent 20+ years working for some of the largest healthcare systems in Dallas, Texas and making the largest difference possible to the masses. A widely experienced healthcare leader she holds three Masters of Science and two bachelors. As a former sexual assault nurse, she became involved with her local community SART team and advocated for the victims of all sexual assault including human trafficking. Her heart fosters collaboration to solve some of the world’s largest and most meaningful issues including: workplace violence, healthcare equality, and providing the best in patient experience. Her mother and husband are very proud of her dedication and her friends describe her as an inspiring example to mankind.