To RESCUE minds, create COMMUNITIES of agape love that educate and motivate the GIVING of talents to prevent children from becoming victims of human trafficking.
Freedom: the ultimate journey!
Truth-Telling Creating an atmosphere for people to share their understanding of modern day slavery through various entertainment and activities: art, fashion, film, photography, food, music, etc. Understanding the global issues and, rather than turning our backs, actually looking within ourselves at the choices we make.
There are many myths about human trafficking and assumptions people make about those enslaved to it. Through raising awareness, we aim to dispel typical misconceptions: prostitutes are victims, derelicts, or free to choose another path; it doesn’t happen in my community; I don’t have to worry about my own children being victimized.
Awakening the Spirit Within Us to Become Change Agents It is amazing to see the ripple effects that sharing information has on people who learn new things about the human trafficking issues, realize how close all of us are to any aspect of it, and become inspired to join the cause and invest time, talent, and money in being the change. It is beautiful to see a kaleidoscope of butterflies!
Hosting Events Creating a nurturing atmosphere for sharing truth through a pre-designed curriculum that fosters awareness, prevention, and healing toward actionable steps that affect change: stop supply/demand, bring hope to the abused, and heal the mind, body, and soul with compassion.